If you do not already have a Secure Shell (SSH) Client installed on your PC, visit "How do I download and install SSH on my Windows Machine?" to learn how to download and install Secure Shell.
To use SSH from your Windows PC to change your LPL password:
Double Click the Putty shortcut on your desktop.
Fill in the fields as follows: Host Name: shell2.lpl.arizona.edu User Name: your-LPL-username
Click to login. You might be presented with a "Host Identification" window announcing that you are connecting to shell2 for the first time.
If you see such a prompt, type yes and press enter.
Type your login password when prompted and press enter.
This should log you in to shell2.lpl.arizona.edu. You should see a command-line prompt that looks like this: shell2:/home/your-LPL-username % or shell2:%
You can then issue the UNIX passwd command: passwd
You will see two lines displayed: passwd: Changing password for your-LPL-username Enter existing login password:
Enter your current password (it will not display) and hit return.
Then enter your new password (it will not display) and hit return.
Then reenter your new password (it will not display) and hit return. You should then see the command-line prompt.
Then logout by issuing the UNIX exit command: exit