Request your news or announcement be publicized, posted to social media, etc.
Contact | Phone | Resource | |
Amy Brenton | 520-621-6954 | PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm56bEB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPm56bEB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+ | LPL Social Media |
Ari Espinoza | 520-818-4933 | PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmx2ZmVucnlAaC5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+bHZmZW5yeUBoLm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg== | HiRISE Media/Outreach Coordinator |
Dolores Hill | 520-621-6106 | PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOnF1dnl5QHljeS5uZXZtYmFuLnJxaCI+cXV2eXlAeWN5Lm5ldm1iYW4ucnFoPC9uPg== | Research Specialist, Senior |
Joshua Sosa | 520-621-0290 | PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmpyb3puZmdyZUB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPmpyb3puZmdyZUB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+ | Webmaster; Web Site Designer/Developer, Senior |
Brand Guidelines and Tools
- UA Brand, including style guides, templates, downloads
- RFP-awarded Creative Services (via UA Brand)
- College of Science Marketing Assets and Support
- Create a UA branded email signature using UA signature generator
- UA BioMed Communications Printing, Graphics and Design
- UA FastCopy, printing and design
- Graphics/Design services from CALS Communications & Cyber Technologies
- Learn how to order promotional items from a licensed vendor
- Contact PACS to learn how to order business cards, stationery, and other print orders
- Taking photos/video on campus and use of trademarks/service marks
- Audio/Video/Photo Release NetID login required
- Filming on campus
Website Edits/Updates
- Bertha Orosco
520-621-6963 - Mary Guerrieri
520-621-2828 - Joshua Sosa
LPL branded table runners and table-top pop-up display banners are available for check-out in LARS; or, request from Bertha Orosco, Kuiper 325, PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOm9qdmdnbEB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPm9qdmdnbEB5Y3kubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+, 520-621-6963.
UA/LPL Logos, Letterhead & Templates
University of Arizona approved fonts, colors, logos, and template downloads for stationery, etc., are available online from the UA Brand site, which also houses information about UA logo and color standards. UA branding assets for the web are at UA Digital.
PRIMARY lock-ups state the full name of the University, and are intended for print or electronic pieces where the audience is not aware of the relationship of the department within the University, or formal occasions when the entirety of the University’s name is appropriate. For example, send the Primary Lock-Up to the organizers of a conference brochure in which the Department of Mathematics is participating along with several other Universities.
ALTERNATE lock-ups reference UA SCIENCE as a shorthand for the University and the full name of the college. It is intended for print or electronic pieces, especially website headers, and also for merchandise and other locations where space is somewhat limited, and the audience already is aware of your unit’s relationship to the University of Arizona.
PROMO lock-ups are rare logos for top-level units who have need of quick recognition in the marketplace. UA Science is one, and this lockup is excellent for embroidery and anywhere promotional impact is needed.
LIMITED lock-ups are for use when the University logo is used within the triangle container, or when there are several UA units on a single piece, to avoid using more than one “block A” on a page.
The file types included take into account the media in which you might be placing the logo:
1 Color Black EPS, Please use this one if you are sending out for a print in all one color – tell the printer to treat black as the ink color
PNG: for use on the web
SVG: for use on the web (vector)
EPS [Full Color & Reverse]: Primary, Alternate, Promotional & Limited
Pantone [Full Color only]: Primary, Alternate, Promotional & Limited
PDF [Full Color & Reverse]: Primary, Alternate, Promotional & Limited