Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I uninstall Sophos on my Windows PC or Mac?

Here are instructions for uninstalling Sophos on your Windows PC or Mac. Please contact LPL systems if you need help with this.

Windows 7

  1. Click Start and select Control Panel.
  2. Click Programs and Features.
  3. Right Click on Sophos Anti-Virus and select Uninstall.
  4. Click Yes if prompted.
  5. Repeat for each item labeled Sophos.
  6. Reboot your computer when finished.

Windows 10

  1. Click inside the search box on the taskbar, type “control panel”, and click the “Control Panel” search result.
  2. Click Programs and Features.
  3. Right Click on Sophos Anti-Virus and select Uninstall.
  4. Click Yes if prompted.
  5. Repeat for each item labeled Sophos.
  6. Reboot your computer when finished. 


  1. Press Command-SpaceBar to open Spotlight, type Remove Sophos, press Enter.
  2. This will launch the Sophos Removal application.
  3. Click Continue and proceed to uninstall.
  4. Enter your Mac password if prompted.
  5. Click Close when finished.