Due to security-related changes with Microsoft's authentication processes, on June 11th 2022, everyone at the University using Microsoft accounts will be prompted to log in again. While this should simply require supplying your credentials to a popup in any Microsoft apps (Outlook, Word, Excel, etc), those using Thunderbird as their mail client and connecting via IMAP, will need to adjust their settings somewhat.
To begin, ensure that Thunderbird is updated to the most current version for your OS.
Right click on your campus email account at the left, then select Settings.
First go down to the Server Settings tab on the left, then under the Security Settings heading click on the Authentication Method dropdown and change it from Normal Password to OAuth2.
Next, go down to the Outgoing Server tab on the left side. Highlight the one that says smtp.office365.com, then click edit. Again change the Authentication Method dropdown from Normal Password to OAuth2.
Click OK then close the settings page. Click the Get Messages button or close and reopen Thunderbird and you should be prompted with a familiar UA popup asking for your NetID credentials and then asking you to authenticate with Duo.
After this you should be all set, but if you run into any problems or need assistance with any other mail clients, please contact sa@lpl.arizona.edu.