First Name Last Name UA NetID Email Please enter your address. Departure date Employee group - Select -Administrative StaffAstrobiology MinorsDCCFacultyFaculty (Adjunct)Graduate Student EmployeesNon-LPL StaffOther Graduate StudentsOther PostdocsPostdocsPTYS Graduate StudentsPTYS MinorsResearcher ScientistsRetiredSci/Eng StaffSEDSSpace Grant InternsTeaching TeamsUndergraduate EmployeesVisitorsVolunteers Description Instructions for Completing the Employee Exit Form Departing employee should submit this form before leaving LPL/Tucson. Library. Return all library books to Mary Guerrieri. (Graduating M.S. and Ph.D. students must submit one copy of their thesis to Sharon Hunt, Librarian, before departure.) Business Office. Return the following items to the Business Office (Kuiper 339): Room Key(s) - See instructions below P-Card Any equipment on loan to them (modems, computer equipment, etc.) Upon receipt of this form information, Academic Office will: confirm whether or not employee wants forwarding information given to people who are trying to contact them after their departure; if employee is a PTYS Graduate Student, verify that the new job title and the new employer’s name sections are completed on the Employee Exit Form; update the Employee Database; remove name labels from office, lobby directory and mailbox; remove the mailbox listing; remove name from the online directory and the distribution list; notify Sys to remove email from all listservs, terminate computer account(s) Assigned Building Kuiper Sonett Drake Assigned office and lab space in Kuiper/CPS/MJD Email Text Information about access to email after separation from UArizona Office Keys Office keys returned to UA Key Desk? - Select -YesNo Keys should be returned to the UA Key Desk. The Key Desk will give you a receipt. Send a copy of the receipt to Cell phone images are acceptable. Explanation for keeping keys Expected return date Received approval from Sarah Lane-Gaxiola - None -YesNo Approval Message In order to keep building keys for any amount of time after your final work day, you must receive approval from Sarah Lane-Gaxiola in the Business Office - PG4gdWVycz0iem52eWdiOmZ5bmFyQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWgiPmZ5bmFyQGgubmV2bWJhbi5ycWg8L24+ or 520-626-5677. Contact Information Forwarding mail address Provide a mailing address that can be used to forward mail. *First Class mail will be forwarded to you. Magazines and publications will only be forwarded for six months after your departure. If leaving the university, please provide a non-UA email address as a contact. For more information about UA email availability for exiting faculty, staff, and grad students, go to Preparing to Offboard - Microsoft . Provide a non-UA email address or a UA address that will be valid after leaving LPL/UA. Are you retiring from LPL/UA? - Select -YesNo Would you like to be notified of LPL events? - Select -YesNo Holiday parties, retirement receptions, etc. Give my forwarding information to people trying to reach me after my departure - Select -YesNo New employer New job title Email NoteEmployees and DCCs separating from the University will lose access to faculty/staff email and Office 365 immediately on separation. Retirees will have a 60-day grace period, during which they may opt in to retain a University email address through CatMail.Share work product in a team space (Box, Teams, Google Drive, etc.)Forward/Save personal and research emails and contentStudent workers will lose access to Microsoft email immediately on separation. If still a student, will retain Catmail.Existing Microsoft emails not migrated to CatMail Automatically.Employee Separation - Email (FAQ) Submit Leave this field blank